Your Comments Are Critical.
Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.
MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

Hot Issues
Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."
Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.
Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.Watch.And.Chat
To post your video, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com or using your webcam, you can broadcast yourself live. Just post advance notice of your schedule so other Pilandoks can log and watch you odi na lagid ka i Tomaroy ago si Alandag a ditarotaro na daa pamakin'g on, daa pagilay ron.
Schedule of Live Broadcast: NONE
If you can't view ArataWataTV and you're on Linux platform, please install the missing plug-ins for your browser's video player.Thursday, August 28, 2008
Click here for more video.
So we have launched a social revolution in Ranao two months ago, or so I thought. Maybe, I have just explained the concept to the few people who listened to my radio interviews and the audience in my music videos... whatever.
I call the movement, Kini.Kini.Revolution because we are using Kini.Kini.Rock music to communicate our messages. The phrase "Kini.Kini" was used to brand our kind of music and make it unique for the Maranaos (and Iranuns and Maguindanaons) just as Pinoy Rock is for the Filipino Indios. In the future, we'll incorporate bayok, kolentang and other Maranao musical instruments to make authentic Pilandok ethno-rock music.
I also thought that it was cool to put the dots in between the words because it looks like the internet naming convention. And although Kini.Kini implies sexuality, my music is anything but sexual. It's rated "PG-13 and below" so it's safe for your young Pilandoks.
There's also Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone. Please check it out at ArataWata.Com. I used the ring tone on my cell phone so I wake up with my alarm music, singing, "Ino mangaday oto? Igira..."
Okay, enough of the "ka kini kini". Pka kwan taon badn.
The Big-Bang Concert
The original plan for the launching party was to invite all the Pilandoks sa Pat-A-Pangmpong-A-Ranao and have a big musical and comedy show in Banggolo or MSU golf course (because it has a beautiful view of the lake and we'll point to the lake when we sing "pagongowan tano... giyanan a ranao tano").
We would tell stories of the good old days of Ranao, sing 60s and 70s rock n roll tunes, and of course, the Kini.Kini.Rock music. Sadly, we did not have enough time to prepare because Baooai and I had only 5 days to spend in Ranao and the lone member of the movement's MSU core-group did not have the resources or energy to pull it through. It would have been The Big Bang Concert.
We had two radio interviews. One with DJ Martin at Radio Ng Bayan, FM Station in Banggolo and another one with Bobby Ilupa at DSXO AM Station. I have explained the purpose of the Kini.Kini.Rock music and a little bit of information about what we wanted to do with the social change movement.
I also made music videos in Peace Boulevard and Padian. I swear, I did not plan to do the lip-syncing but the Pilandoks (young and old) in Padian did not want to do it even if I offered them small amount of money. But they sang and danced with me on the videos. Me kowa ako roo a diyaman na! But if that's what it would take for Pilandok to change his ways, I would gladly do it again.
Here are Amomoai's Music Videos in Padian, taken on July, 2008.
...Ino Mangaday Oto?
Insha Allah, we'll have regular Kini.Kini.Comedy.Musical.Show to continuously remind Pilandok about his bad behavior. Taman sa ma smo-smo si Pilandok na magalin badn para di dn makapagidaida si Amomoai.
Phase One
The first phase of the Kini.Kini.Revolution has commenced. I will continue writing songs about Pilandok and Ranao and hopefully you will not get tired of listening to my music.I have many more music materials. Watch out for new Kini.Kini.Rock music and videos in
Phase Two
Phase two is the core of the revolution. We should start talking about our "taritib ago igma" (it can mean, culture and traditions) and try to adopt them to the current economic, political, social and environmental situations. Many of our taritibs are out-dated.
It is okay to change our taritib because taritib is not a religion. Taritib is NOT Islam.
Here are just some of the taritib ago igma that I think, needs urgent re-thinking. I'm sure, there are other stinky taritibs of Pilandok that needs re-engineering. Please post them in this link.
So Awidan
I have already explained the social cost of the high price of awidan in my video talk. If we don't change this taritib, we'll probably lose it and eventually lose our other taritib ago igma. So katatabanga is the glue that holds our taritibs together. What's the meaning of our centuries of struggle if we don't have culture that differentiates us from the Indios?
So Ka S'slai
This is the most abused taritib. Our relatives and friends who are in the government or occupying political positions are the biggest culprits. We can't say or do anything about their evil actions, ie. corruptions, because of this taritib. It should not be that way. If we want to progress, we have to call spade, a spade and let the bad among us rot in prison for stealing people's money or for being criminal.
So Ka Song Sa Ig
Literally, it means do your shit or pooping in the lake. Allah forbid a water-bourne, deadly incurable disease come up in Ranao. Our tribe will be wiped-out on the face of the earth.
The Ulama have big role in making this change a possibility. They can decree a fatwa to prohibit pooping in the lake. For the Imams in the masjids and the Tableeghs, make a nightly dowaa to curse all those who poop or dump their trash in the lake.
Cleanliness is one of the most important characteristics of Islam. Unfortunately, Pilandok did not understand this part of the religion.
So Kambangsa
We're a racist nation. We need education. We need to learn about other people cultures and sentiments so we can be good Muslims, so we can be good to our Indio housemaids and guests.
Mawaraw tano bo ko royod tano. Somasayan tano dn igira sisii tano sa Ranao. Miya ambog-ambog tano pn. Bapiya so aya bo akiya apasan iyan na Civil Service Examination na pag streamer'an. Let's stop all these un-Islamic behaviour.
Let's talk.
What we need to do at this stage is to stir up discussion of our taritib ago igma. The local media, like the radio and cable tv talk shows, is our big daddy. We also need the help of the Pilandoks in Banggolo and Padian, the Ulama, the Tableeghs, teachers, parents and students.
We don't need to have formal discussion forum or conferences in Ranao, at least for some time. Let's have family or friends discussions and let the issue boil, taman sa makalapalapay dn. Hopefully by next year, we can hold a conference to declare what we decide is better for our people. Hopefully.
Pilandok Needs You!
Anyone reading this post in Ranao, please print and distribute. If you don't have printer, just remember the subject and talk about it with your friends and your family at home. When you have time, come back to this blog and update us with your comments.
If you are a student, please print this post and give it to your Pilandok teachers or officers of your student government. If you are a parent, please talk about this issue with your children.
Here are some T-Shirt designs to promote our cause.
According to Batingolo, helping in activities like this, with the intent to better one's society is part of Islamic daawa.
Taman sa di omani isa rk'tano na di niyan ipaliogat sa ginawa niyan a kaompiyai sa Ranao na di tano dn maka pagalin.
Let us all join in this revolution. It's a privilege to be part of nation-building process. But let's not set our expectations too high on what we can achieve because one thing is for sure: social change is not going to be easy. It may not even happen in our lifetime.
Phase Three
Decide what kind of people we want to be. Do we want to be known for kindness, cleanliness, and other good attributes? Or be known as tulisans, kidnappers, kolimbot, dirty or drug dealers?
We should talk about our vision for the future generations.
Arata Wata will pay you.
Just like the other discussions in this blog, the Taritib ago Igma that I have described here is in no-way comprehensive and that's because Arata Wata is not a scholar and he is NRP (Non-Resident Pilandok). What I am doing mostly is laying out the foundation for the discussions. The real wisdom comes from the Pilandoks who visits and share their thoughts.
I am offering a financial assistance for the compilation of our Taritib ago Igma. Part of your research is to find out if there's already a written document of this subject. If there is, then your job is just to post the document in this blog. Otherwise, we'll discuss how long it will take you and how you are going to do the compilation, that will determine the amount of funding or monthly stipend. Remember, we're doing this job for Pilandok's future.
You must be:
1. At least a college student.
2. RP (Resident Pilandok), meaning, you reside in Ranao.
3. Internet-savvy or know someone who can help you on internet.
Obviously, IPs (Incidental Pilandok) are disqualified. Do you know who are the IPs? Watch my videos.
This is a good academic thesis for social science student. So why don't you do it, college girl? You'll be paid while your doing school requirement.
If you are interested, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com.
UPDATE: I did not get response for this offer so I am withdrawing it. I will just find someone to work on it. Shokran.
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Makaaayon ako sa giyanan a kabasa i Bin Ladn a di kakowa sa kapamagidaida a giya kapsalin tano sa okit. Kapakay pn a taro on tano a di tano dn makapagalin odi tano limoon o Allah, ka skanian i pmbgay sa sindao ko manga manosiya.
ReplyDeleteAya a pamontosan a giya a kini.kini.revolution na giya kapmbibitiyarai tano sa kapagalina sa giya manga taritib tano ka pakaayon'n sa giya kapapantagan a masa. Na so kapamagidaida na ayabo a osar iyan na so kapakalangkapa ko manga ribat a okit-okit i Pilandok. Kna oba giyanan a ida-ida na oba giyanan dn i paka alin ko okit okit i Pilandok. Ati di ran pn pamakin'gn ka mas tomoon iran a gioto a manga ida-ida a kapanla odi na giyoto a piyangopya a di makaptotoona a rythm iyan na.
Ipagisa akn ki Bin Ladn, antonaa i mapiya a sowaan sa giya kapmbago bago tano sa okit? So manga ulama na di paratiyaan o madakl a tao ka kiyadaan siran sa bisa (tabiya tabo) sa giya kiya pangp'd iran sa giya marsik a politika. Andamanaya i kisampayn tano ko manga lalag tano?
So, manga pd a lalag...
ReplyDeletespectator: to all visitors of this site, lets support the vision of ARATAWATA.... ALLAH BLESS US & GUIDE TO THE RIGHT PATH.... Ameeenn..
Arata Wata: Bin Ladn, et al. isurat tano so manga lalag tano sa giyanan a post ka para di mada. click on comments. giya message board na pag scroll na kada so sold iyan. Dodoo so smbag akn ki Bin Ladn.
spectator: Bin Ladn comments is a sign that every PILANDOKS is concern about our custom/tradation.. it is a positive sign to be adressed... GO! GO! GO! ARATAWATA... this is just a biggening... ALLAH BLESS US ALL..
bin laden: spectator! opamana so pitaroo Allah a ipagompiya ko mga karataan o pagtao a o nggalbkairan n ptagompiya siran na mas mapiya so rktanoron a mga taga amireca?
bin laden: pagnao kano aki ka anakor'an tano go somiyogoso kadlan ka go kadnan akn go kadnan i aratawata sa nabi a skaniyan i piya ka payag ko piyor go ribat. pakaisa batano mas matao a diso Allah???
bin laden: haram so music haraaaaam!!!! dabasan miyakay a sakataobo a ulama sa donya pangingisaanyoman?
spectator: mr. bin laden, sii ko mga arab na tanto a madakl a music on...
Kasoyn akn a ipagisa. Antonaa i mapiya a okit a kapakalangkapa tano sa giya antap tano, a kapmbago bago tano sa okit?
ReplyDeleteO banda a mapiya pn na samanaya na aya tano mbibitiyaraian pasin na giyanan a miyanga aaloy akn a taritib. Oba ako miyaribat? O adn pn a madakl a daon mipd?
Aya a pangalian tano na oba so kaorian rktano, manga mbawataan tano na ba tano iran kapanditi a da a ping galbk tano sa kapakapiya o kapagingd. Na siran pman i kargnan.
Aya a estimate akn on na maka dowa lapis imanto (2 generations from now) na tito dn a pakanipis odi na kada so ka m'mranawi rktano. Pamikiraniyo, imanto na so manga wata na di imbitiyarai sa Tagalog. Di siran di magtext na Tagalog. Lagid o so kataro ko basa Mrananao na oba marata.
O banda mapiya pn a giya manga ida-ida a Mranao (Kini.Kini.Rock) ka tito a Mranao, kna oba piyangopya, na di mambo makalipat so manga bago a tao, manga ngongoda ko basa tano.
Banda aya mala a awida akal tano na giya a manga ribat a taritib. Giya a kapamagida ida ko manga ribat a okit okit i Pilandok na kna oba nda ini mala a tanto a awid a akal.
ReplyDeleteAya tano pasin bgan sa oras na giya a manga taritib.
Assalamu Alaikom, kataya so lalag akun sa mga idayda i arata wata, so diko kapangadi na minipakaisa akun ko guro akun antonae kokoman o kapagidayda, aya inisumbag iyan na dowa a inikokom iranon, HARAM ago MAKRO, inipakaysa akun puman o inoto ka HARAM? na sii ko masa o rasul na aduna a MUSIC ago SONGS, na kagiya ko sabap ko kiyapakasobra ago kiyapakalowig iyan, datar opama o tanto a madakul a musical instruments a inosaron na miniramig so mga babaya o tao siiko music sa minisampay sa ron misoramig so oras ago pamikiran iran, samaoto na myabimban siran ago myatumbang siran sabap sa giyoto a puda musical instruments. na gyoto i kyasabapan sa kiyaharam o "pud a idayda ago musical instruments".
ReplyDeleteinipakaysa akun puman inoto so mga pud a ulama na dayaran pakaHARAMa? na aya inisumbag o guro akun na sii ko masa o rasul na adun a music/idayda (kapamagidayda), na mya kaysa na isako gopun myapangaroma o rasul sa aisha (radiallaho anha) na adun a mya adun a mya tabo a pakaradian na adun a mga dion mamagidaydayda, na sabap so Aisha na maito pun sa gyoto a masa na kabayaon mbantay, na di niyan kaylay so pakaradian ka maito sukanian, na kagiya masipat o rasul na byawa niyan so Aisha para miporo na kambantayan nian a gyoto a pakaradian, sa aya pud a totolon sa kiyati a kababawa niyan ko Aisha na tiyabad a mbala a-e o rasul sa kyadokawe ago kyati a kababawa-a niyan ko Aisha. sa gya mambo i kakaptan o mga puda Ulama sa da niyan kapakaHARAM totally.
na piyakawrianon o guro akun a gyoto a hadith a myakatitayan ko Omar (radiallaho anho) a pitaro iyan : " INNAMAL A'MAALO BINNIYAAT... " - meaning : so langowano galbuk na depende ko niat.
ogaid na aya kinanglan a sabotun sa giya hadith na kinangalan na so nature o galbuk na mapiya sa aya intention ka mambo na mapiya na aya balas iyan na mapiya.
ka mapakay a adun a galbuk a mapiya ogaid na aya intention ka na marata na aya balas iyan na marata. na sakamawto mambo so galubuk a marata na putaroon o tao na tigyan na intention akun na mapiya, ogaid na invalid oto kagiya nature o galbuk na marata.
sa aya pagposan akun sa giya comment akuna, ati ari so niat(intention) a mapiya na satiman a hasanah a balas iyan na amaypun ari ka kiyaonotan a galbuk a mapiya.
sa pangnin tano ko ALLAH (swt) ibugay niyan rukitano so masisinganin tano a mapiya sa taktakpanian so limo iyan rukitano langon.
sa oba adun na myabatiya iyo sa comment akun aya a da niyo ikasowat ago ribat na rilaan nyo rakun ka sii rakun oto poon na sabap oto ko kamamanosiya akun, ogaid na o adun mambo a myabatiya iyo ron a mapiya ago pakanggaya gona na taufiq oto a poon ko ALLAH (swt) sa sii akun bo tamana...
Are Singing and Music Haram?
ReplyDeleteThis is a rather controversial issue - many say YES and others say no.
Among the entertainments which may comfort the soul, please the heart, and refresh the ear is singing. Islam permits singing under the condition that it not be in any way obscene or harmful to Islamic morals. There is no harm in its being accompanied by music which is not exciting.
In order to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness, singing is recommended on festive occasions such as the days of 'Eid, weddings and wedding feasts, births, 'aqiqat (the celebration of the birth of a baby by the slaughter of sheep), and on the return of a traveler.
'Aishah narrated that when a woman was married to an Ansari man, the Prophet(peace be on him) said, " 'Aishah, did they have any entertainment? The Ansarare fond of entertainment.'' (Reported by al-Bukhari.)
Ibn 'Abbas said, " 'Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage to a man of theAnsar. The Prophet (peace be on him) came and asked, 'Did you send a singeralong with her?' 'No,' said 'Aishah. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) then said, The Ansar are a people who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would sing, 'Here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.' " (Reported by Ibn Majah.)
'Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of 'Eid al-Adha, twogirls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peacebe on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, "Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of 'Eid." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
In his book, Ihya ulum al-deen, (In the quarter on "Habits", in the book Listening to Singing.), Imam al-Ghazzali mentions the ahadith about the singing girls, the Abyssinians playing with spears in the Prophet's Mosque, the Prophet's encouraging them by saying, "Carry on, O Bani Arfidah," his asking his wife, 'Aishah, "Would you like to watch?" and standing there with her until she herself became tired and went away, and 'Aishah's playing with dolls with her friends.
All these ahadith are reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim in the two Sahihs, and they clearly prove that singing and playing are not haram. Fromthem we may deduce the following:
First: The permissibility of playing; the Abyssinians were in the habit of dancing and playing.
Second: Doing this in the mosque.
Third: The Prophet's saying, 'Carry on, O Bani Arfidah,' was a command and a request that they should play; then how can their play be considered haram?
Fourth: The Prophet (peace be on him) prevented Abu Bakr and 'Umar from interrupting and scolding the players and singers. He told Abu Bakr that 'Eid was a joyous occasion and that singing was a means of enjoyment.
Fifth: On both occasions he stayed for a long time with 'Aishah, letting her watch the show of the Abyssinians and listening with her to the singing of the girls. This proves that it is far better to be good-humored in pleasing women and children with games than to express such disapproval of such amusements out of a sense of harsh piety and asceticism.
Sixth: The Prophet (peace be on him) himself encouraged 'Aishah by asking her, "Would you like to watch?" (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Seventh: The permissibility of singing and playing on the drum...and what follows, to the end of al-Ghazzali's discussion on singing.
It is reported that many Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) as well as second generation Muslim scholars used to listen to singing and did not see anything wrong with it. As for the ahadith which have been reported against singing, they are all weak and have been shown by researchers to be unsound. The jurist Abu Bakr al-'Arabi says, "No sound hadith is available concerning the prohibition of singing," while Ibn Hazm says, "All that is reported on this subject is false and fabricated "
However, since singing is in many cases associated with drinking parties and night clubs, many scholars have declared it to be haram or at least makruh. They state that singing constitutes that kind of idle talk which is mentioned in the ayah, And among the people is the one who buys idle talk (at the expense of his soul) in order to lead (people) astray from the path of Allah without knowledge, holding it in mockery; for such there will be a humiliating punishment. (31:6)
Says Ibn Hazm: This verse condemns a particular behavior, that of doing something to mock the path of Allah. Anyone who does this is an unbeliever; if he even should buy a copy of the Qur'an, doing so in order to make it the object of his mockery and thereby leading people astray, he would be an unbeliever. It is this type of behavior which is condemned by Allah and not the idle talk in which one may indulge for mere relaxation, without intending to lead people astray from the path of Allah.
Ibn Hazm also refutes the argument of those who say that since singing is not of "the truth" it must be of "error," referring to the verse, "And what is beyond the truth except error?" (10:32). He comments, The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said, 'Deeds will be judged according to intentions, and everyone will get what he intended.' (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Accordingly, the one who listens to singing with the intention of using it in support of a sin is a sinner, and this holds true of anything other than singing (as well), while one who listens to singing with the intention of refreshing his soul in order to gain strength to do his duty toward Allah Ta'ala and to do good deeds, is a good and obedient servant of Allah, and his action is of the truth. And he who listens to singing intending neither obedience nor disobedience is doing something neutral and harmless, which is similar to going to the park and walking around, standing by a window and looking at the sky, wearing blue or green cloths, and so on.
However, there are some limitations to be observed in the matter of singing:
1. The subject matter of songs should not be against the teachings of Islam. For example, if the song is in praise of wine, and it invites people to drink, singing or listening to it is haram.
2. Although the subject matter itself may not be against the Islamic teachings, the manner of singing may render it haram; this would be the case, for example, if the singing were accompanied by suggestive sexual movement.
3. Islam fights against excess and extravagance in anything, even in worship; how, then, can it tolerate excessive involvement with entertainment? Too much time should not be wasted in such activities; after all, what is time but life itself? One cannot dispute the fact that spending time in permissible activities consumes time which ought to be resaved for carrying out religious obligations and doing good deeds. It is aptly said, "There is no excess except at the expense of a neglected duty."
4. Each individual is the best judge of himself. If a certain type of singing arouses one's passions, leads him towards sin, excites the animal instincts, and dulls spirituality, he must avoid it, thus closing the door to temptations.
5. There is unanimous agreement that if singing is done in conjunction with haram activities—for example, at a drinking party, or if it is mixed with obscenity and sin—it is haram. The Prophet (peace be on him) warned of a severe punishment for people who sing or listen to singing in such a situation when he said, Some people of my ummah will drink wine, calling it by another name, while they listen to singers accompanied by musical instruments. Allah will cause the earth to swallow them and will turn some of them into monkeys and swine. (Reported by Ibn Majah.)
This does not mean that they will be physically transformed into the bodies and outward form of monkeys and swine but rather in heart and soul, carrying the heart of a monkey and the soul of a pig in their human bodies.
Batingolo, salamat sa giya ini post ka a comment. Miya klaro so bitiyara sa giya kapagidaida. Aya pamontosan iyan na bapiya antonaa dn i ngalbkn ka (kna bo ba kapagidaida) na o niat ka on na marata, na miya karam.
ReplyDeleteInsha Allah, na miyapasad dn so bitiyara sa giya kapagidaida.
Sa pakalipatan tano dn na aya tordoon tano na giya a kapangiloba sa okit a kasambii sa giya manga taritib i Pilandok a di mapiya.
spectator: giyaki a mambbtad a manga ingud a muslim sa donya na sii kisndit ko manga olowan o pagtao ron, taman sii sa ranao na so olowan tano i kasnditan sangkanan a mambbtad tano, ka palaya nunga a nafsu a madadalum ko mga olowan o manga muslim..
ReplyDeleteSa kataya so lalag ak'n sa giya pitaro i Spectator.
Mini isa ak'n sa loks antonaa so kandato isako miyaona, na giya i miyan'g akn.
Isakon ko kasosolotan p'n da p'n ma oso a giya a kapageleksyon na so kon so manga sulutan na sad'n sa taroon iran na paratiyaan d'n o madakl a tao. No questions asked. Kagiya katawan o pagtao a matito so niat o datu. 'ngkainoto? So pamikiran ak'n on na kagiya so sulutan na daa maporo iyan babalasan iyan sa ginawa. Lagid imanto a langon o manga elected officials tano na di iran di mikinikini so lalag iran kagiya oba siran kailai sa ator a di makakaayon sa gioto a manga BOSS iran Kasila sa Manila na di siran maSELECT (kna oba man election) amay ka next election odi na di siran kabgan sa gioto dimbagibagiin a piyamankao a pirak o madakl a tao.
So actually, in my opinion, the MOA could have help resolve some of the social corruptions in our society because our leaders would not be in direct contact with the Imperial Manila government.
Aya tito tito niyan, so sii rakn on na giya social corruption, giya ka ririmor'ng a giya kapaging'd tano na sabap sa giya a karirimornga rktano a giya manga Kasila. And that's their plan.
So kiyailaya ron o manga pagtao a mimbinasa so datu na miyabinasa siran mambo.
So sii rak'n on na di ako d'n mamangp'd sa giya politika sa Ranao kagiya makapamankaw ka d'n. Na mirampay pn aki sa dowa polo ragon kaon sa gioto a kadato. Ipsambi ika oto sa eternity in hell, opama na dayon sa dayon na si prontayng kad'n sa kanarakaan? That is if we believe that there's God and that He is just.
Matas ini a totolan, mangbaal tano bo sa isa p'n a post para saya.
Kasoyan tano a totol aya sa giya Tarigib ago Igma.
Actually, da a kasoyan tano a totolan sa giya Taritib ago Igma ka da tano p'n kapooni... ngek!
ReplyDeleteDa tano p'n makaganat sa giya totolan sa kapagidaida. :-)