Here's the (old) RCAPP Primer sent by Eden Goling. Please read and write your comments. It sounds like a good idea.
Question: What is RCAPP?
Answer: RCAPP is Ranao Claims Against the Power Plant, It is an Environmental organization created and organized in accordance with Philippine laws on September 1, 2002. The Philippine government recognized RCAPP as a separate entity with juridical personality as a non-stock corporation incorporated under security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) registration NOS. CN200525424 dated January 17, 2005.
Question: What is the Purpose and vision of RCAPP?
Answer: The main purpose of RCAPP is to secure a better environment of Lake Lanao for the next generation, bring down power rates and fight for a separite Mindanao grid for Agus hydro elictric power plants complex Specially RCAPP mission is to
1.) Save lake lanao from the brink of serious ecological and environmental disaster
2.) Demands environmental justice and prosecute cases against the National Power Corporation (NPC) and allied partners for nonecompliance of the environmental Complience Certificate (ECC), the implemention of environmental laws and
3.) Payments of comprehensive damages to inundated areas and uprooted residents
4.) Maximum the usage of Lake Lanao enormous wealth ( others than electricity ) for the ultimate benefits of the mindanaos
Question: What ae the others objectives of RCAPP for the Bangsamoro people and Indegeneous Cultural Minorities?
Answer: RCApp support a federal System of Government wherein the Bangsamoro and Indegeneous people shall have a separite state government subjects to federal laws. Under a federal system of government, the people of Mindanao can utilize, explore and benefited from the revenues generated by natural wealth and resources located in their homeland and shall be governed by their own state laws.
Question: What are strategic minerals and or natural resources that are suppose to enjoyed, explores and exloited by the Bangsamoro people?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants feed by the water resources of lake lanao in marawi city and lanao del sur; the oil resources of the liguasan marsh in maguindanao and cotabato provinces; the rich fish and marine resources of the moro gulf including the iranun bay fronting the moro provinces and sibatu passage in Tawi tawi island. Others natural resources like gold, limestone, marble, iron, glass, copper and coal located in the Moro home lands.
Question: What are the strategic importances of any of the above described of any of the above described resources for the economy of Mindanao?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants (AHEPP) with an installed capacity of 724.24Mw to 920Mw supplies 80% of the power requerments of the power requerments of the island of Mindanao. The npower Plants has estimated power revenues of P5 Billions/month. (99% of said power revenues is remitted of the imperial government in Manila which is 1,000 miles from lake Lanao) The Liguasan Marsh has proven deposits worth billions barrel of oil and metric tons of natural gas while the Moro Gulf is a fish refugees and described as the richest marine and fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean. (Now exploited by big time forign fishing Vessels) Whereas the sibatu passages can generate hundred millions os dollars passages fees from international and foreign vessels passing / utilizing said strait.
Question: What are the destructive effects and damages to the environment of Lake Lanao and to the maranaos peoples of the lake as a result of the operation and activities of the national power corporation?
Answer: The NPC’s irregular opening and closures of the Three-(3) regulation dams in the Agus River/ agus 1 tunnel have brought abnormal fluctuation of water levels resulting to flooding/or drying of farmland, thus over 40,000 Hectares of agriculture lands in the Basak and Baloi plains were either idle or abandoned. Thousands of fisherman loss livelihoods due to scarce catch in the lake. The NPC cloud shedding activities to create artificaial rain rains during dry season (with salts and chemicals) have sicked 42,000 maranaos resulting to 402 deaths in last four years. Muslim women engaged in mat weaving from “sised” raw materials lost their livelihood.
Question: What are foreign government policy and programs for the indegineos cultural minorities living in their country on the exploitation of thir resources?
Answer: The Canadian natives (Quebec) of the james Bay Hydroelectric power plants got court awards worth U$238 millions in damages; preferential employmant and land titles grants to inundated areas; The Acehesh of the Indisia were offered 75% in return of oil revenues extracted from thir home province as part of a comprehensive solution to the GAAM rebellion (free aceh Movement); The Maori legislation grants the maori tribe (New Zealand) various socio-economic benefits after the construction of the hydroelectric power plants in their ancestral lands. While the Ennui Indians were empower to impose taxes/fees against Consumers Corporation utilizing their hydroelectric power plants.
Question; what will happen to Lake Lanao if NPC continue to abuse the use of the lake waters?
Answer: Lake Lanao will desapper in the next 26 years. A report of the Lake Lanao Watersheed Protection and Development Council (LLWPDC-DENR) shows that from 1948-1999 the water inflows to the lake droppedfrom 117 CMS to 78 CMS and projected to further dropped by 55 CMS by the year 2030 by that year the water of lake lanao can no longer the capacity to drive the turbines of the various hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What is the evedince of NPC abuse and arrogance in the used of lake lanao waters?
Answer: NPC was fined P150, 000.00 by EMB-DENR in its order of September 8, 2004 for its failure to comply with (3) of the terms and conditions of the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) dated January 14, 1992 by the DENR Secretary. These are NPC failures to build irrigation projects in Basak areas and around Lake Lanao, The failure to organize the Environment Guaranty Fund (EGF) to pay damages to affected residents and the failure to monitor waterborne diseases in the water lakes.
Question: What is the organization structure of RCAPP, who are people behind it?
Answer: RCAPP is managed by chairman, Co-CoChairman, Secretary General and 7 Vice Chairman and Legal Panel that handles its three Cases against the National Power Corporation, TRANSCO and LASURICO. Its members comprises multi cross section of the society, Including the Ulama’s, professionals, farmers, of inundated areas, jobless fisher folk, Muslims women and indegeous communities and other marginalize sectors mostly victims of the hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What are the modest accomplishments of RCAPP?
Answer: In the last over two years since its inception on September 1, 2002, RCAPP has done the following
REDUCED power rates from P3.378/kwh to P2.061/kwh as a result of court Mandatory Injuction secured by RCAPP lawyers in civil case No. 1918-03 (Ibrahim Abdo et als Versus NPC TRANSCO and LASURICO The said injuction directed respondents NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to cased to ceased and desist from collecting the purchase power adjustment (PPA) from electric consumers
SECURED - Court Order dated November 9, 2004 ordering NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to refund the sum of P640 Million pesos represinting illegal and unauthorized collections of purchase power adjustments (PPA) and other over charges in favor of the electric Consumers;
FREEZE- NPC/LASURICOS application to increase/or adjust electric charges of P1.3388/kwh as a results of RCAPP’s filling of Opposition in ERC case No. 221-2002 (In re: Application of unbundling of rates) before the Energy Regulatory Commission, ERC-MANILA)
SUCCESSFULLY prosecute NPC at the Environmental Management Bureah (EMB-DENR Manila) and secured order dated September 8, 2004 in EIA case Nos. 2004-001 (In the matter of NPC violations of Pres. Decree No. 1586 and its Implementing rules) ordering NPC to build and Contruct irrigation infructures in the Basak area and around lake lanao, organized the environmental Guaranty Fund and provide compensation to farmers in inundated areas and Monitor water borned diseases in the lake waters.
LOBBY- for the approval of senate Resolution No. 79 dated September 3, 2004 directing the two Senate committees of Environment and Natural Resources and the committee on energy to investigate and conduct Senate inquiry in aid of legislation the alleged loss of livelihood and environmental concern of lake lanao as a results of the operation and activities of the hydroelictric power plants.
LUNCH- an awareness compaign on the essues of environmental justice in press releases/. Forum seminars and peacefull protest rallies during caravans for peace (March 30, 2004), Peaceful protest (September 1, 2004) and 2nd peaceful Rally (November 25, 2004)
NATIONALIZES/ and or INTERNATIONALIZES our environment struggle before the world for a including RCAPP’s participation in the 10th World Environmental Conference (Boston City, USA june 29-July 4, 2004), the 10th World Summit on the Living Lakes (Manila) and the 9th Cairo Conference on Energy/Environment (Sharm Al Shiek, Egypt) and the filling of the crime of genocide against officials of the NPC and TRANSCO before the International Criminal Tribunal in Hague, Nietherlands.
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‘Save Lake Lanao’ Movement Seeks More Members Among Filipinos in Kingdom
ReplyDeleteBy ArabNews.Com
JEDDAH, 22 December 2007 — A movement dedicated to saving the Philippines’ second biggest lake from “ecological extinction” hopes to attract more members in the Kingdom by organizing chapters in all regions.
Leaders of the movement called RCAPP, which stands for Ranao Claims Against Power Plants, said they have recently organized the Makkah and Madinah chapters and are trying to get the Filipino Muslim community in Riyadh, Alkhobar, Dammam and other key cities to do the same.
“We believe that the bigger the movement will become, the stronger our voice will be,” said Alinasser Radiamoda, chairman of the RCAPP mother chapter in Jeddah.
Radiamoda said campaigners in the Philippines are set to hold a rally at Marawi City on Jan. 2 to dramatize the movement’s demands, which have long been submitted to the authorities.
“Our campaign is not just ecological in nature but also for justice,” Radiamoda said in a phone interview with Arab News on Thursday.
He explained that the group is also pushing for lower power rates within the lake area and for a separate Mindanao grid for the Agus Electric Power Plants Complex.
“How could it be that while Lanao del Sur province is the main source of energy for the Mindanao grid, the people in the province are paying higher electricity rates?” he asked.
Lake Lanao, a 340-square-kilometer body of water, is one of the world’s only 17 lakes that gave name to an indigenous people. Maranao, as the people of Lanao del Sur and Lanao del Norte are called, means “people by the lake.” The lake is fed by four rivers and its only outlet is the Agus River, which flows northward into Iligan Bay via two channels, one over the famous Maria Cristina Falls and the other over the Linamon Falls.
RCAPP, in a press statement, said the natural stability of the water level of the lake has been destroyed by the construction of dams that regulate the flow toward power-generating turbines.
“Large areas dry up when lake water is suddenly siphoned without warning to feed the power plants. When water is accumulated, the lands become flooded that crops planted by farmers are damaged beyond resuscitation, many mosques suffer submersion of their floors, making them inaccessible for prayers, and houses in lakeside communities become inhabitable,” said the statement.
RCAPP said the destruction of the lake means the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
“Lake Lanao is the center of the life of the Maranao people. Mosques are built along its coasts and rivers since time immemorial so that washing and purification are readily accessible for Muslims.
“The lake has provided fish from its bounty that had almost 40 endemic species not found anywhere else... Ranao, as the lake is called, is viewed and treated as a gift from Allah to the Maranaos that they have to preserve for posterity its environment and ecology from the damaging onslaught of the power plants,”
In its earlier demand submitted to the authorities in Manila, RCAPP sought the prosecution of National Power Corporation (NPC) officials for violation of the country’s environmental laws. NPC has lately been changed into the National Transmission Co. (Transco).
RCAPP noted that despite the despite the NPC’s being owned by the government, it had not complied with the terms of an Environmental Compliance Certificate issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) requiring the company to build and construct irrigation infrastructures in the lake area, organize an environment guarantee fund and provide compensation to farmers in inundated areas, and monitor water-borne diseases in the lake’s waters.
RCAPP demanded that the NPC undertakes massive reforestation in watershed areas of Lanao Lake. It also sought preferential employment of at least 10-20 percent of all available jobs in government and non-government corporations doing business in Mindanao that source their power supply from the Agus hydroelectric power plant.
Radiamoda said RCAPP also brought the movement’s demands to the attention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which has subsequently issued a resolution for the Philippine government to address the issues raised.
He said national chairman Bayan Balt further articulated the “dangerous ecological and sordid social conditions prevailing in Lanao” during the recent tripartite meeting of the OIC, the Philippine government and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in Jeddah on Nov. 10-12.
Bobby Dalos, a member of the RCAPP’s Board of Directors in Jeddah, said the group also hopes to be a vehicle in educating not only the young Maranaos but other Filipinos as a whole on environmental consciousness.
To become members, the group’s e-mail addresses are or . and contact numbers are 05073-64703 and 05692-7479. Apart from Radiamoda, the RCAPP leadership in Jeddah includes Khalid Monawara and Yusoph Metmug as co-chairmen; Ahmad Ali Alonto, secretary-general; Abdulmalik Tagoranao, assistant secretary-general; Mike Mindalano, treasurer; Ali Mustapha, assistant treasurer; Yusoph Admain, spokesman; Ahmad Musa Balindong and Ali Aguam, protocol officers; Junaid Matabalao, Faiz Bilao, Usman Tubacan and Jamail Pandapatan, coordinators.
The directors, in addition to Dalos, are Nazruddin Dianalan, Albani Maungco, Usman Islao, Omar bin Omar, Ali Ditucalan, Malik Bayabao, Sherad Sacar, Rashid Sarilama, Yusoph Taha, Khalid Minodar and Salic Abbas
Comment about Rcapp and Salam (SALAM distinct from RCAPP)
ReplyDeleteWritten by HmmmmThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 29-12-2007 13:32 - Guest
I think the heading of Mr. Abdulhannan's article was an honest mistake, he should have written "Ranao Claims Against Power Plants" instead of "Save Lake Lanao Movement". Readers who knows both organization were confused, but mostly do not noticed the heading and simply read the body of the article, which is the most important one. anyway, both RCAPP and SALAM have the same objectives.. they are all working to conserve "LAKE LANAO" for the benifits of the people of the LAKE, which the MARANAW. Sometimes, mistakes create awareness and awaken people who are sleeping and eventually make a decisive action... if this mistake did not happen, SALAM leaders would not call a meeting... Thank you Abdulhannan for that Article...
2. Written by the teacher on 29-12-2007 16:10 - Guest
given that SALLAM and ARCAPP are two different organizations.
Fromthe time of their conceptioin, i think an inquiry should be made as to what have they achieved out of thei advocacy?
I think SALLAM had been organized long before but I think they have not reported any development out of their "Pakikibak" baka naging gatas na ng Baka.
and so as ARCAPP, they have not informed the peple of Lanao as to the status of their case against NPC.
If I'm not mistaken it's the case between the ARCAPP and the NPC that caused the indefinite suspension of one of our respected judges here in Lanao. due to his kindness and pakikisama to his companerong meranao he order a trial without conducting a pre-trial conference. according to lawyers here in lanao, pretrial is mandatory. natechnical ang husgado kaya nagfile ng disciplinary at administrative case ang head ng NPC.
I have not heard any word from the ARCAPP extinding support and help to the judge that they have wrecked after they asked for so many favors.
what has happened to our pakikibaka?
naging gatas na ba?
3. Written by a on 30-12-2007 10:16 - Guest
The above article (SALAM distinct from RCAPP) had been very well said apart from being informative by itself.
However, the quoted Arab News article dated 22 December 2007 was not written by Alem Abdul Hannan Tago. You may re-visit the site and see Archive.
4. Written by AAA on 30-12-2007 10:57 - Guest
Arab News did not write the writer, but am sure only Aleem Abdulhannan Tago would dare to write such artilce. Second, if he is not the write, why he wrote his name when it was publish in this site. He is the lone Maranaw writer/reporter at Arab News and the only one knows those leaders of RCAPP.. Anyway, whether he wrote it or not, the article has been written well and attract the attention of those concerned Maranaw who wants to save the ecology of Lanao Del Sur.. SALAM in particular... OH yes, I would suggest both RCAPP and SALAM to update us on the status of their advocacy... let the GIANTS awake and make some noise...
5. Written by A. Panda on 30-12-2007 14:28 - Guest
Asking apology
Aleem Abdul Hanan Faisal Tago really not the writer of the said news as verified. Being the lone Meranaw journalist and staff reporter of the Arab news, he was presumed as the writer of the said news. We ask apology to Aleem Tago.
Aleem Tago was misquoted, thru his E-mail statement, when he said: " The news item is intersting and worth publishing for posting..." I even thought he was the writer. Hence, necessary correction shall be made. What is important is we understand now that SALAM distinct from RCAPP.
6. Written by imran m. malomaloThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 31-12-2007 00:49 - Guest
Asking apology
the issue is for the conservation of lake lanao not the writer. thanks for the Arab News for the publication.
7. Written by the teacher on 31-12-2007 01:01 - Guest
careful of libelous remarks
We should see to it when we wrote something about a person, especially when he is personally identified and named, is true and verified. otherwise, it can be slander.
we have the right to express our opinions freely but such freedom has limits and restrictions.
this kind of publication is an international or global publication where people around the world can read and be informed. it has no limited clientele. even no-meranao can surf here.
Journalism carries with it the responsibility to be prudent all the time. Let's make sure that we do not post unverified reports.
As a Muslim, I am duty bound to correct any mistake that may cause disgrace or degrading of reputation of a brother.
But, I believe this article is not a personal attack. however, i would ike to remind everyone to be prudent. Highest ethical standards should be observed at all times.
8. Written by BBB on 31-12-2007 03:52 - Guest
Let us know the one who give wrong info to the Arab news. The root cause is the statement "Leaders of SALAM called RCAPP." Alinader Radiamoda, Chair of the RCAPP in Jeddah can be asked. He was interviewed by Arab News by phone as mentioned in the Article published in Jeddah dated 22 Dec. 2007. The apology made by Dr. panda is clear since he misquoted Aleem Tago in his E-mail informing Dr. Panda saying "the news is interesting and worthpublishing in this site. It was presumed the writer being the lone Meranao Journalist and Staff reporter of the Arab news. Let us concentrate on the issue.
9. Written by Abu AmeerahThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 31-12-2007 07:03 - Guest
The issue here is not the WRITER. Whether Abdulhannan wrote and published it in Arab News and in this site doesn't really matter. What matters most is the performance of RCAPP and SALAM. We all know that at the beginning, both RCAPP and SALAM are so aggressive, but up to this date, we have not heard of how far they have achieved as far as their advocacy "PRESERVING LAKE LANAO" are concerned. When RCAPP first launched here in Jeddah, leaders were like a bees in holding their meetings. But after few months, we have not heard of them and their activities. Up to now, there is no improvement of electricity supply in Lanao Del Sur and the people are still suffering from BROWN outs, and paying the highest rates in Mindanao..BIG QUESTION...WHY?
10. Written by BBB on 31-12-2007 08:15 - Guest
Abu Ameerah's comments shouls be acknowledged. Obviously, both the leaders of SALAM and RCAPP are bembers of the Board of Directors of LASURECO.
11. Written by Aslani MontilaThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 01-01-2008 02:02 - Registered
There are some things I need to share, for the information of all concerned on this matter:
1) With regards to rate, I guess we are now being billed as to about more than 5pesos / kilowatt. Still lower than rates in Iligan Light or Davao Light;
2) As to issue of Benefits from NPC, the NPC is giving the local officials, ie Governor, Mayor, Barangay Chairman, the total amount, which could be two or three times bigger than the usual monthly bills of the whole Lanao Sur consumers, instead of the individuals to take advantage, it is now being advantaged by 1 single person;
3) In my information, it would need a Congressional Act or a Bill to correct the process, that instead that local executives would take advantage on it, instead it would be directed to the individuals.
4) There is a need for a SUBSTATION, only for Marawi City, in such that even other substations malfunctions, Marawi City, being the center of trade and economy of the province, would not be affected. You would not wonder why Ice Cream dealers, Frozen Chicken and meat dealers have already stopped from their businesses;
5) There is a certain case of electric energy, a geothermal energy, from Albay, Bicol, in which all residents are free from Electric Bill.
So I don't think there is a need to bark at NPC or National Government, instead we should bark against our local officials that they would surrender their benefits for the benefit of whole Lanao del Sur populace.
12. Written by MatanglawinThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 17-01-2008 01:23 - Guest
RCAPP is Ranao Claims Against the Power Plant, It is an Environmental organization created and organized in accordance with Philippine laws on September 1, 2002. The Philippine government recognized RCAPP as a separate entity with juridical personality as a non-stock corporation incorporated under security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) registration NOS. CN200525424 dated January 17, 2005.
The main purpose of RCAPP is to secure a better environment of Lake Lanao for the next generation, bring down power rates and fight for a separite Mindanao grid for Agus hydro elictric power plants complex Specially RCAPP mission is to
1.) Save lake lanao from the brink of serious ecological and environmental disaster
2.) Demands environmental justice and prosecute cases against the National Power Corporation (NPC) and allied partners for nonecompliance of the environmental Complience Certificate (ECC), the implemention of environmental laws and
3.) Payments of comprehensive damages to inundated areas and uprooted residents
4.) Maximum the usage of Lake Lanao enormous wealth ( others than electricity ) for the ultimate benefits of the mindanaos
Support RCAPP
ReplyDeleteI am appealing to the maranaos of Lanao to strongly support the RCAPP fulfill thier objective because I believed and I am convinced all the benefits derived therein will be for the benefits of the Maranaos of today, tomorrow and all days to come. RCAPP is our future progress and by neglecting to support the RCAPP means a disaster of our future generations and will bear all the hardships in thier livelyhood. RCAPP means free lights and more jobs to come. Long live the RCAPP and Atty Bayan Balt for his untiring support for the sake of Lanao.
Abu Ahmed, et al. Biyatiya akn a giya manga post iyo sa giya RCAPP na miyaka piya piya. Sobhanallah!
ReplyDeleteLangon a giyanan a manga issues raised are of serious consequences for Maranaos if not addressed.
Aya a maptaro akn on pasin na igira pmbotoon niyo a giyanana a RCAPP na di tano personalizn ki Atty Bayan Balt ka so manga pd a Pilandok na lagid o kapakatana iyan kiran na oba pman ipamolitika. Na so Mranao na kiyargaan siran somoporta ko lagid o miaona a opakat a SALLAM a oba badn inipangwarta ago ini politika o tomatandingon.
Like I said in my other posts that we have valid issues against NPC and the government with regards to the use of the lake and the electric power supply. I am 100%, full support of the RCAPP. Let me know your programs and how the NRP (Non-Resident Pilandok) in U.S. can help.
Kagiya aya tano bo matatakor imanto na giya kandato, kapolitika. Na so madakl a tao mambo na kiyargnan ka daa kawiyagan. Lagid o di mangisda ago so di mbasok na kiyabinasaan a giya a power plant, na miyada so kawiyagan iran. Na bapiya antawaa mambo a politician a pakabayad ko boto iran na biotowan iran. Di tano matatakor so manga pd a awida akal, mas mala a awida aka lagid a giya a digalbkn a giya RCAPP. So kadaklan a tao na aya bo a matatakor iran na anda i kapakakan iran.
ReplyDeleteSalam rekano langon...Alhamdulillah for your positive response regarding my appeal to support the RCAPP and the leadership of our brother Atty. Balt. I dont have the intention to praise anybody for political reasons or any reasons what it may, but to give due credits to the whole members of the RCAPP whether it be locally or abroad of thier great efforts in defending the rights of the Maranaws retrieved their lost and stolen rights and claims of the benefits derived from thier land which is legally theirs and their rights to be benefited for and we must support them in their quest of these rights which is for the development of the livelyhood of the Maranaws of the present generation and the future generations to come. Right now or less than a moment ago and with this short span of time that the RCAPP managed the LASURECO shows much progress and I believed if this will not be destructed is a great mercy to the people of Lanao and the Maranaws as a whole. If we can win this fight, would mean a great savings for our energy expenses and instead will help us convince more companies establish factories and businesses to us due to the little expenses in energy billings therefore could create more jobs to the Maranaws and I am sure would lessen economic crises to the Maranaws.
ReplyDeleteWith this, the Maranaws abroad especially in the USA can contribute in this quest by organizing themselves as members of the RCAPP and have full contact and coordination with the office of the RCAPP and I am sure you will receive good information and guidance how you can help and assist the RCAPP in sending their message to the appropriate and concerned parties. Shukran wa Jazakum Allaho Khayran.
Assalam ARATAWATA, Pakawithen ka raken so Email address ka a epakawet akhen reka so Number e Bayan balt