Your Comments Are Critical.
Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.
MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

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Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."
Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.
Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.Watch.And.Chat
To post your video, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com or using your webcam, you can broadcast yourself live. Just post advance notice of your schedule so other Pilandoks can log and watch you odi na lagid ka i Tomaroy ago si Alandag a ditarotaro na daa pamakin'g on, daa pagilay ron.
Schedule of Live Broadcast: NONE
If you can't view ArataWataTV and you're on Linux platform, please install the missing plug-ins for your browser's video player.Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Rock N Roll Pilandok
Giya i bo i maito a rano ranon akn ki Pilandok sa giya 2008.
I hope Kini-kini Rock can help change the ways of Pilandok and bring about social change in Ranao. Insha Allah!
Here's the lyrics.
Odi kadn magalin,
Na margn so kaorian.
Si Olele ago si Oraki,
Langon siran miyadadag.
Sii ka bo mapasang
Sa kapasa sa boto oka.
Na mapasad so kambotowa,
Na dadn a kakan nka.
Pilandok, paring ka.
Dingka nan sosowaa.
Kna oba ka,
Arata Wata.
La la la...
La la la...
Kna oba ka,
Arata Wata.
Odi kadn magalin,
Na kabinasa tanodn.
Ka si Olele ago si Oraki,
Na pananayanan ka iran.
(play harmonica)
Odingka dn gnki
So kapamasa sa boto.
Na madaka sa kadato,
Na da mambo a kakan nka.
Odingka mambo gomnk,
So kapasa sa botooka.
Na giya dn i masosowa
Sa pangampong a Ranao.
(churos and fade)
Arata Wata.
Kna oba ka
Marata a tao.
Kna oba ka
Si Raulo (B.)
Chords are simple.
(intro: Em-C-G)
(Or skip intro, start strumming at "kadn")
With a little help from Baooai.
Amon Jadeed.
Here's a very crude English translation of the lyrics for the benefit of my non-Pilandok friends, guests and Incidental Pilandoks (IP).
IP is a Maranaw by birth but don't speak the dialect, never been in Ranao or don't know or don't bother to learn the culture and practice the religion (this will be the topic of my future post).
Pilandok is a character in Maranao folk tales. He is a prankster. Olele and Oraki are generic Maranaw names for girl and boy.
If you will not change+,
Our future is f****d up.
Because Olele and Oraki
Are lost.
You're only good at
Selling your vote++
After the election,
You got nothing.+++
Pilandok, change your ways.
Stop your bad habits.
You're not a bad boy.
La la la...
La la la...
You're not a bad boy.
If you will not change,
We'll all be screwed.
Because Olele and Oraki
Will follow your ways.
You're not a bad boy.
You're not a bad person.
You're not me.
+ your ways
++ to politicians
+++ because you got no money to buy food, politicians take all the money.
Monday, January 14, 2008
RCAPP Primer
Here's the (old) RCAPP Primer sent by Eden Goling. Please read and write your comments. It sounds like a good idea.
Question: What is RCAPP?
Answer: RCAPP is Ranao Claims Against the Power Plant, It is an Environmental organization created and organized in accordance with Philippine laws on September 1, 2002. The Philippine government recognized RCAPP as a separate entity with juridical personality as a non-stock corporation incorporated under security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) registration NOS. CN200525424 dated January 17, 2005.
Question: What is the Purpose and vision of RCAPP?
Answer: The main purpose of RCAPP is to secure a better environment of Lake Lanao for the next generation, bring down power rates and fight for a separite Mindanao grid for Agus hydro elictric power plants complex Specially RCAPP mission is to
1.) Save lake lanao from the brink of serious ecological and environmental disaster
2.) Demands environmental justice and prosecute cases against the National Power Corporation (NPC) and allied partners for nonecompliance of the environmental Complience Certificate (ECC), the implemention of environmental laws and
3.) Payments of comprehensive damages to inundated areas and uprooted residents
4.) Maximum the usage of Lake Lanao enormous wealth ( others than electricity ) for the ultimate benefits of the mindanaos
Question: What ae the others objectives of RCAPP for the Bangsamoro people and Indegeneous Cultural Minorities?
Answer: RCApp support a federal System of Government wherein the Bangsamoro and Indegeneous people shall have a separite state government subjects to federal laws. Under a federal system of government, the people of Mindanao can utilize, explore and benefited from the revenues generated by natural wealth and resources located in their homeland and shall be governed by their own state laws.
Question: What are strategic minerals and or natural resources that are suppose to enjoyed, explores and exloited by the Bangsamoro people?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants feed by the water resources of lake lanao in marawi city and lanao del sur; the oil resources of the liguasan marsh in maguindanao and cotabato provinces; the rich fish and marine resources of the moro gulf including the iranun bay fronting the moro provinces and sibatu passage in Tawi tawi island. Others natural resources like gold, limestone, marble, iron, glass, copper and coal located in the Moro home lands.
Question: What are the strategic importances of any of the above described of any of the above described resources for the economy of Mindanao?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants (AHEPP) with an installed capacity of 724.24Mw to 920Mw supplies 80% of the power requerments of the power requerments of the island of Mindanao. The npower Plants has estimated power revenues of P5 Billions/month. (99% of said power revenues is remitted of the imperial government in Manila which is 1,000 miles from lake Lanao) The Liguasan Marsh has proven deposits worth billions barrel of oil and metric tons of natural gas while the Moro Gulf is a fish refugees and described as the richest marine and fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean. (Now exploited by big time forign fishing Vessels) Whereas the sibatu passages can generate hundred millions os dollars passages fees from international and foreign vessels passing / utilizing said strait.
Question: What are the destructive effects and damages to the environment of Lake Lanao and to the maranaos peoples of the lake as a result of the operation and activities of the national power corporation?
Answer: The NPC’s irregular opening and closures of the Three-(3) regulation dams in the Agus River/ agus 1 tunnel have brought abnormal fluctuation of water levels resulting to flooding/or drying of farmland, thus over 40,000 Hectares of agriculture lands in the Basak and Baloi plains were either idle or abandoned. Thousands of fisherman loss livelihoods due to scarce catch in the lake. The NPC cloud shedding activities to create artificaial rain rains during dry season (with salts and chemicals) have sicked 42,000 maranaos resulting to 402 deaths in last four years. Muslim women engaged in mat weaving from “sised” raw materials lost their livelihood.
Question: What are foreign government policy and programs for the indegineos cultural minorities living in their country on the exploitation of thir resources?
Answer: The Canadian natives (Quebec) of the james Bay Hydroelectric power plants got court awards worth U$238 millions in damages; preferential employmant and land titles grants to inundated areas; The Acehesh of the Indisia were offered 75% in return of oil revenues extracted from thir home province as part of a comprehensive solution to the GAAM rebellion (free aceh Movement); The Maori legislation grants the maori tribe (New Zealand) various socio-economic benefits after the construction of the hydroelectric power plants in their ancestral lands. While the Ennui Indians were empower to impose taxes/fees against Consumers Corporation utilizing their hydroelectric power plants.
Question; what will happen to Lake Lanao if NPC continue to abuse the use of the lake waters?
Answer: Lake Lanao will desapper in the next 26 years. A report of the Lake Lanao Watersheed Protection and Development Council (LLWPDC-DENR) shows that from 1948-1999 the water inflows to the lake droppedfrom 117 CMS to 78 CMS and projected to further dropped by 55 CMS by the year 2030 by that year the water of lake lanao can no longer the capacity to drive the turbines of the various hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What is the evedince of NPC abuse and arrogance in the used of lake lanao waters?
Answer: NPC was fined P150, 000.00 by EMB-DENR in its order of September 8, 2004 for its failure to comply with (3) of the terms and conditions of the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) dated January 14, 1992 by the DENR Secretary. These are NPC failures to build irrigation projects in Basak areas and around Lake Lanao, The failure to organize the Environment Guaranty Fund (EGF) to pay damages to affected residents and the failure to monitor waterborne diseases in the water lakes.
Question: What is the organization structure of RCAPP, who are people behind it?
Answer: RCAPP is managed by chairman, Co-CoChairman, Secretary General and 7 Vice Chairman and Legal Panel that handles its three Cases against the National Power Corporation, TRANSCO and LASURICO. Its members comprises multi cross section of the society, Including the Ulama’s, professionals, farmers, of inundated areas, jobless fisher folk, Muslims women and indegeous communities and other marginalize sectors mostly victims of the hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What are the modest accomplishments of RCAPP?
Answer: In the last over two years since its inception on September 1, 2002, RCAPP has done the following
REDUCED power rates from P3.378/kwh to P2.061/kwh as a result of court Mandatory Injuction secured by RCAPP lawyers in civil case No. 1918-03 (Ibrahim Abdo et als Versus NPC TRANSCO and LASURICO The said injuction directed respondents NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to cased to ceased and desist from collecting the purchase power adjustment (PPA) from electric consumers
SECURED - Court Order dated November 9, 2004 ordering NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to refund the sum of P640 Million pesos represinting illegal and unauthorized collections of purchase power adjustments (PPA) and other over charges in favor of the electric Consumers;
FREEZE- NPC/LASURICOS application to increase/or adjust electric charges of P1.3388/kwh as a results of RCAPP’s filling of Opposition in ERC case No. 221-2002 (In re: Application of unbundling of rates) before the Energy Regulatory Commission, ERC-MANILA)
SUCCESSFULLY prosecute NPC at the Environmental Management Bureah (EMB-DENR Manila) and secured order dated September 8, 2004 in EIA case Nos. 2004-001 (In the matter of NPC violations of Pres. Decree No. 1586 and its Implementing rules) ordering NPC to build and Contruct irrigation infructures in the Basak area and around lake lanao, organized the environmental Guaranty Fund and provide compensation to farmers in inundated areas and Monitor water borned diseases in the lake waters.
LOBBY- for the approval of senate Resolution No. 79 dated September 3, 2004 directing the two Senate committees of Environment and Natural Resources and the committee on energy to investigate and conduct Senate inquiry in aid of legislation the alleged loss of livelihood and environmental concern of lake lanao as a results of the operation and activities of the hydroelictric power plants.
LUNCH- an awareness compaign on the essues of environmental justice in press releases/. Forum seminars and peacefull protest rallies during caravans for peace (March 30, 2004), Peaceful protest (September 1, 2004) and 2nd peaceful Rally (November 25, 2004)
NATIONALIZES/ and or INTERNATIONALIZES our environment struggle before the world for a including RCAPP’s participation in the 10th World Environmental Conference (Boston City, USA june 29-July 4, 2004), the 10th World Summit on the Living Lakes (Manila) and the 9th Cairo Conference on Energy/Environment (Sharm Al Shiek, Egypt) and the filling of the crime of genocide against officials of the NPC and TRANSCO before the International Criminal Tribunal in Hague, Nietherlands.
Question: What is RCAPP?
Answer: RCAPP is Ranao Claims Against the Power Plant, It is an Environmental organization created and organized in accordance with Philippine laws on September 1, 2002. The Philippine government recognized RCAPP as a separate entity with juridical personality as a non-stock corporation incorporated under security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) registration NOS. CN200525424 dated January 17, 2005.
Question: What is the Purpose and vision of RCAPP?
Answer: The main purpose of RCAPP is to secure a better environment of Lake Lanao for the next generation, bring down power rates and fight for a separite Mindanao grid for Agus hydro elictric power plants complex Specially RCAPP mission is to
1.) Save lake lanao from the brink of serious ecological and environmental disaster
2.) Demands environmental justice and prosecute cases against the National Power Corporation (NPC) and allied partners for nonecompliance of the environmental Complience Certificate (ECC), the implemention of environmental laws and
3.) Payments of comprehensive damages to inundated areas and uprooted residents
4.) Maximum the usage of Lake Lanao enormous wealth ( others than electricity ) for the ultimate benefits of the mindanaos
Question: What ae the others objectives of RCAPP for the Bangsamoro people and Indegeneous Cultural Minorities?
Answer: RCApp support a federal System of Government wherein the Bangsamoro and Indegeneous people shall have a separite state government subjects to federal laws. Under a federal system of government, the people of Mindanao can utilize, explore and benefited from the revenues generated by natural wealth and resources located in their homeland and shall be governed by their own state laws.
Question: What are strategic minerals and or natural resources that are suppose to enjoyed, explores and exloited by the Bangsamoro people?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants feed by the water resources of lake lanao in marawi city and lanao del sur; the oil resources of the liguasan marsh in maguindanao and cotabato provinces; the rich fish and marine resources of the moro gulf including the iranun bay fronting the moro provinces and sibatu passage in Tawi tawi island. Others natural resources like gold, limestone, marble, iron, glass, copper and coal located in the Moro home lands.
Question: What are the strategic importances of any of the above described of any of the above described resources for the economy of Mindanao?
Answer: The Agus hydroelectric power plants (AHEPP) with an installed capacity of 724.24Mw to 920Mw supplies 80% of the power requerments of the power requerments of the island of Mindanao. The npower Plants has estimated power revenues of P5 Billions/month. (99% of said power revenues is remitted of the imperial government in Manila which is 1,000 miles from lake Lanao) The Liguasan Marsh has proven deposits worth billions barrel of oil and metric tons of natural gas while the Moro Gulf is a fish refugees and described as the richest marine and fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean. (Now exploited by big time forign fishing Vessels) Whereas the sibatu passages can generate hundred millions os dollars passages fees from international and foreign vessels passing / utilizing said strait.
Question: What are the destructive effects and damages to the environment of Lake Lanao and to the maranaos peoples of the lake as a result of the operation and activities of the national power corporation?
Answer: The NPC’s irregular opening and closures of the Three-(3) regulation dams in the Agus River/ agus 1 tunnel have brought abnormal fluctuation of water levels resulting to flooding/or drying of farmland, thus over 40,000 Hectares of agriculture lands in the Basak and Baloi plains were either idle or abandoned. Thousands of fisherman loss livelihoods due to scarce catch in the lake. The NPC cloud shedding activities to create artificaial rain rains during dry season (with salts and chemicals) have sicked 42,000 maranaos resulting to 402 deaths in last four years. Muslim women engaged in mat weaving from “sised” raw materials lost their livelihood.
Question: What are foreign government policy and programs for the indegineos cultural minorities living in their country on the exploitation of thir resources?
Answer: The Canadian natives (Quebec) of the james Bay Hydroelectric power plants got court awards worth U$238 millions in damages; preferential employmant and land titles grants to inundated areas; The Acehesh of the Indisia were offered 75% in return of oil revenues extracted from thir home province as part of a comprehensive solution to the GAAM rebellion (free aceh Movement); The Maori legislation grants the maori tribe (New Zealand) various socio-economic benefits after the construction of the hydroelectric power plants in their ancestral lands. While the Ennui Indians were empower to impose taxes/fees against Consumers Corporation utilizing their hydroelectric power plants.
Question; what will happen to Lake Lanao if NPC continue to abuse the use of the lake waters?
Answer: Lake Lanao will desapper in the next 26 years. A report of the Lake Lanao Watersheed Protection and Development Council (LLWPDC-DENR) shows that from 1948-1999 the water inflows to the lake droppedfrom 117 CMS to 78 CMS and projected to further dropped by 55 CMS by the year 2030 by that year the water of lake lanao can no longer the capacity to drive the turbines of the various hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What is the evedince of NPC abuse and arrogance in the used of lake lanao waters?
Answer: NPC was fined P150, 000.00 by EMB-DENR in its order of September 8, 2004 for its failure to comply with (3) of the terms and conditions of the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) dated January 14, 1992 by the DENR Secretary. These are NPC failures to build irrigation projects in Basak areas and around Lake Lanao, The failure to organize the Environment Guaranty Fund (EGF) to pay damages to affected residents and the failure to monitor waterborne diseases in the water lakes.
Question: What is the organization structure of RCAPP, who are people behind it?
Answer: RCAPP is managed by chairman, Co-CoChairman, Secretary General and 7 Vice Chairman and Legal Panel that handles its three Cases against the National Power Corporation, TRANSCO and LASURICO. Its members comprises multi cross section of the society, Including the Ulama’s, professionals, farmers, of inundated areas, jobless fisher folk, Muslims women and indegeous communities and other marginalize sectors mostly victims of the hydroelectric power plants.
Question: What are the modest accomplishments of RCAPP?
Answer: In the last over two years since its inception on September 1, 2002, RCAPP has done the following
REDUCED power rates from P3.378/kwh to P2.061/kwh as a result of court Mandatory Injuction secured by RCAPP lawyers in civil case No. 1918-03 (Ibrahim Abdo et als Versus NPC TRANSCO and LASURICO The said injuction directed respondents NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to cased to ceased and desist from collecting the purchase power adjustment (PPA) from electric consumers
SECURED - Court Order dated November 9, 2004 ordering NPC/TRANSCO and LASURICO to refund the sum of P640 Million pesos represinting illegal and unauthorized collections of purchase power adjustments (PPA) and other over charges in favor of the electric Consumers;
FREEZE- NPC/LASURICOS application to increase/or adjust electric charges of P1.3388/kwh as a results of RCAPP’s filling of Opposition in ERC case No. 221-2002 (In re: Application of unbundling of rates) before the Energy Regulatory Commission, ERC-MANILA)
SUCCESSFULLY prosecute NPC at the Environmental Management Bureah (EMB-DENR Manila) and secured order dated September 8, 2004 in EIA case Nos. 2004-001 (In the matter of NPC violations of Pres. Decree No. 1586 and its Implementing rules) ordering NPC to build and Contruct irrigation infructures in the Basak area and around lake lanao, organized the environmental Guaranty Fund and provide compensation to farmers in inundated areas and Monitor water borned diseases in the lake waters.
LOBBY- for the approval of senate Resolution No. 79 dated September 3, 2004 directing the two Senate committees of Environment and Natural Resources and the committee on energy to investigate and conduct Senate inquiry in aid of legislation the alleged loss of livelihood and environmental concern of lake lanao as a results of the operation and activities of the hydroelictric power plants.
LUNCH- an awareness compaign on the essues of environmental justice in press releases/. Forum seminars and peacefull protest rallies during caravans for peace (March 30, 2004), Peaceful protest (September 1, 2004) and 2nd peaceful Rally (November 25, 2004)
NATIONALIZES/ and or INTERNATIONALIZES our environment struggle before the world for a including RCAPP’s participation in the 10th World Environmental Conference (Boston City, USA june 29-July 4, 2004), the 10th World Summit on the Living Lakes (Manila) and the 9th Cairo Conference on Energy/Environment (Sharm Al Shiek, Egypt) and the filling of the crime of genocide against officials of the NPC and TRANSCO before the International Criminal Tribunal in Hague, Nietherlands.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Kataya so transcript o manga messages makapantag sa giya RCAPP (Ranao Claims Against Power Plant).
I suggest that we post the position paper of RCAPP so everybody can read it and we can talk about how we can help. Raslannie, please send me a copy of the RCAPP position paper or your contact number. We can post an audio or video clip of the founder, Atty. Bayan Balt, if he want to. This is the kind of stuff that we like to discuss in ArataWata.Com.
I have mentioned in my previous posts that the erection of the National Power Plant in the old Marawi City Hall was a big mistake. It destroyed the natural flow of the Agus River and the farm lands in Basak area.
Transcript up to 1/11/08...
raslannie abdullah support RANNAO CLAIMS AGAINST THE POWER PLANT (RACPP) CHAIRMAN@FOUNDER ,atty: bayan g. balt Fri, Jan 04 2008 (04:59:29 am)
raslannie abdullah (RCAPP) Fri, Jan 04 2008 (05:06:41 am); IP: 121.54.66.*; 125
Arata Wata Raslannie, can you write a short story about the RCAPP? send it to Arata Wata (link below) so I can publish it. Shokran. Sat, Jan 05 2008 (01:31:11 am)
Matanglawin Supporten tano so Rcapp, c Bayan Balt na sekaniyan e Chairman of the Board a Lasureco imanto na pengbaal sekanian sa kitab a maka baba so bayad a light sa lanao del sur ago mada so Chrismas light sa Marawi City INSHAALLAH Wed, Jan 09 2008 (04:22:38 am)
Bombola Salaam. Pangnintano baden aso RACPP na salakao ko mga ped a miyanga oona a ompongan a asar a makowaniyan so baya a ginawa niyan na miyapasad.Salaam. Pangnintano baden aso RACPP na salakao ko mga ped a miyanga oona a ompongan a asar a bakowaniyan so baya a Sat, Jan 12 2008 (02:34:01 am)
raslannie abdullah RANNAO CLAIMS AGAINST THE POWER PLANT (RCAPP) ,stand of RCAPP againts National Power Corporation (NPC), the National Power Corporation rise six hydro eletric power plant and they are using our Lake Lanao to supply electric power about 65-85% all over Mindanao.The problem is the maranao people leave around the lake in Islamic City of Marawi as the source of electric power @ they are suffering brouwn out in every 2 hours @ also our Lake suffering 35% contaminated. Sat, Jan 12 2008 (05:48:35 am);
raslannie abdullah - most of the muslim people who leave around the Lake are suffered diarhea @ vomitting, 45% died according Dr. Safrullah. Sat, Jan 12 2008 (05:55:20 am)
Rcapp Members MALA A SARIG AMI SA RCAPP Sun, Jan 13 2008 (12:39:11 am)
Bombola Antawaa i pakakowa ko perak a kakowa o RCAPP Sun, Jan 13 2008 (01:03:36 am)
Rcapp Members So PPA na o khebayadan na aya phekakowa on na so madakel a taw Sun, Jan 13 2008 (03:47:21 am)
raslannie abdullah da a pangniin a rcapp a perak! ayabo a antap a rcapp na so kasasalimboti ruktano a NPC na,mipanindug a rcapp- Sun, Jan 13 2008 (03:48:46 am)
raslannie abdullah lagid a kapagosara a npc sa giyaya a ig tano,para kasoloan a mindanao na sii ruktano poon so source na suktanopon i malai kabayad sa light na suktanopon i mintin ia di pag brown outan - Sun, Jan 13 2008 (03:51:54 am)
raslannie abdullah na so ig tano a aya tanobo tamok a mala na di kainom ka sabap sa miya kontaminitid,na madakul a miyanga sasakit ko mga babay pagari tano a babaling sa islamic city of marawi- Sun, Jan 13 2008 (03:56:39 am)
raslannie abdullah na ayabo a panindugon na so mga pagari tano a muslim sa RCAPP,na dikano pukaluk ka kunaba ini lagid o mga pud a gropo a kominowa sa perak,ago ini kandidato iyan so perak a miyakowa niyan sa NPC na kimorkaan o ALLAH so manosiya a di niyan di sambiin so - Sun, Jan 13 2008 (04:00:28 am)
raslannie abdullah kabunar iyan ago so madakul ataw!!! giyaya aRCAPP na ayabo miyatiti a gropo a taman imanto na ititindug iyandun so kabunar o madakul ataw 7years a kiyatiniyan na dadun kowa swa tundan,ka ba kamorkai o ALLAH. Sun, Jan 13 2008 (04:04:50 am)
raslannie abdullah so PPA na o kabayadan na so0 madakul ataw i pakakowaon lagid o mga taw,a miyogop sa kadimandaan sa NPC na giyoto i pakakowa kabayadan so PPA.kunaba api so moontod sa walay a di pagogop ago di niyan di pangatakiin so rcapp na pakakowaon ka di. Sun, Jan 13 2008 (04:09:36 am)
Eden Goling Asslamualaikom.... Jihad means struggle and that struggle is a way of life, struggle in defense of your religion,rights and honor is a universal struggle that deserve honorable merits from the Lord of Creations. Sun, Jan 13 2008 (04:32:02 am)
Eden Goling Vote Rcapp Sun, Jan 13 2008 (04:34:30 am)
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