As I have explained in my old posts and videos, we have a problem with the way some of our Ulama interpret Islam or religion vis-a-vis our culture and traditions. I remember when I was still in Ranao in the early 1980s and the Ulama made some kind of fatwa that our cultural activities are prohibited in Islam. Thus, we stopped playing kolentang, bayok and other "kapapakaradiyaan".
Probably they thought that the Taliban-era in Afghanistan was the ideal Islamic society. Forget about the past (culture and traditions) and present (modern technology). Just breed as many children as you can, go away for as long as you can (Tableegh 40 days or 60 days camp-out), and relax because God will feed you and the family you left behind.
I believe it's only after the people have seen the way our Political Ulama handled themselves, ie. worst than traditional politicians, that we have come to challenge their ideas.
Now, our youth are genuinely interested in Kolentang and other Maranao cultural activities and one of the prominent Maranao cultural troupes is Pananadm. Some of the original members were my students in Mindanao State University, Marawi City.
Couple of years back, Baooai watched the group play and she was astonished that the performers spoke fluent Maranao dialect. She thought that they were Christian students like the members of the MSU Kambayoka and Darangen. But to her big surprise, she was told that they were actually Maranao students. The Real McCoy! She was so proud telling me the story when she returned to the U.S.
This is one bright spot in the decadent state of our society.
Here are other thoughts about the issue.
I had to cut-and-paste from the message board because they scroll and eventually will be deleted from the board. Please post your comments by clicking on the "Link to this Post" or "Comments" links below this post.
Ben Laden
Assalamo alaykom knaba aki aya siyapatano na so kammranawi kaso kapagaagamatano na ayasiyapn,, somoldtano ko agama,, lipatantano angkaya igma go taritib katan so a komplito dakaomani go dakalbati
odimamlano so taw sa kapagompiyai niyan ko ribat sa pangbaal sa rkyanon n dimamrak sotao,, opama na mas malakai ilmo adiso nabitano?????
a so nabi mismo na igira ana iniizaon na diniyan smbagn odi kaomai a wahi,, naimanto na so langon o iniwahi ko nabitano na misosorat komplito,, kapagingd kapamilia kakhakaroma kakhawiyagan, langowantaman n pisoldan o agamatano a islam
didn kailangan obatanombabago
Arata Wata
Banda anan malo miyakalowig Ben Laden. Sasabotn ami dn a ipagintao tano na so Quran ago so Sunnah o Nabi. Ogaid na kna oba langon a giyanan a manga taritib ago igma i Pilandok na oba langon makasosokang ko agama.
Di tano kandaan so manga landap tano na go tano somolot sa gioto a mapoti a uniform iran odi na gnkan tano so kakan sa palapa na kn tano na so shawarma odi na bapiya antawaa muslim na pakipangaroma tano ron so manga warisan tano.
Kadadag tano a tanto na kada tano. So makasosopak ko agama ko manga taritib ago igma na gioto i itarg tano.
Aya mala rka a toma na giya manga Taliban sa Afghanistan. Oba gioto i kabaya aka a masowa tano?
Bapiya giyanan a manga Arab na adn a manga taritib ago igma iran, salakaw badn a ipmbto iranon. Miyailay akn isako di ako di ngalbk sa Saudi ago Abu Dhabi.
Culture and religion are 2 different things. But to be Islamic, you don't have to throw away your culture. You just have to stop the un-Islamic practices. We should not confuse culture with religion.
Every Muslim nation, ie. the Turks, Egyptians, Emaratis, Iraqis, Indonesians, Malaysians, has it's own culture and tranditions, and they may not be totally un-Islamic.
Kaka-i Nagaranao
Assalaamo Alaikom, maliwanag a manga m'ranaw tano apiya anda k'lida, ditano maptharo i arab odi na merikano tano ka ditano iran iroroyod sa ginawa i ran, apiya giya manga pilipino sa pilimpinas na ditano i ran irarampi ko ginawa i ran..
Opama ko it'gul tano so k'naba skita na paka iring tano sa kab'g a dip'man b'dong na dipman papanok, inadn tano o ALLAH (SWT) a m'ranao na tarima'an tano a m'ranao tano.. ogaid na baloyin tano so SAMBAYANG a tali tano ka antano di paka sayan sa pato..
A so pato na langon a ka'antapan niyan no sosonsomun niyan malingaw ago mar'sek na m'lagid lagidon a ta'am yan.
Your Comments Are Critical.
Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.
MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.
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Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

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Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."
Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.
Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.Watch.And.Chat
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
So Manga Warisan
"Siyapn tano langon
So manga warisan tano,
Pamaratiyaan tano
So Manga loks tano,
Kakalalagan tano.
Haaay, Haaay, Haaay,
That's the first verse of the refrain of my song "So Lalag Ko Ron". We all know that the issue about our women is one of the biggest problem confronting our Bangsa (nation) that's why I opened the refrain with those lines.
Kataya so manga katharo a giya manga bisita tano makapantag sa giyanan a manga warisan tano, isako Sun, Nov 02 2008.
Siyambian akn so original text a giya manga comments iran.
adn kon a manga warisan tano sa msu a di ngolaola sa di mapiya.
i think that;s true, have heard that from many people already.
why do this happen? don't they have respect for themselves?
well, if zuhayr is ryt?! then congrats to shaitan and shame to parents of those maranao girls who find themselves ***
maranaos in Saudi Arabia are facing the same probs as zuhayr mentioned ***
Saudi, not really, heheh hundreds are huge... maybe few to be true.
Tito dn ini ko mala a awida akal. Para rakn na sobra pn aya sa giyanan a di kapangodo i Pilandok sa Ranao.
So manga warisan tano,
Pamaratiyaan tano
So Manga loks tano,
Kakalalagan tano.
Haaay, Haaay, Haaay,
That's the first verse of the refrain of my song "So Lalag Ko Ron". We all know that the issue about our women is one of the biggest problem confronting our Bangsa (nation) that's why I opened the refrain with those lines.
Kataya so manga katharo a giya manga bisita tano makapantag sa giyanan a manga warisan tano, isako Sun, Nov 02 2008.
Siyambian akn so original text a giya manga comments iran.
adn kon a manga warisan tano sa msu a di ngolaola sa di mapiya.
i think that;s true, have heard that from many people already.
why do this happen? don't they have respect for themselves?
well, if zuhayr is ryt?! then congrats to shaitan and shame to parents of those maranao girls who find themselves ***
maranaos in Saudi Arabia are facing the same probs as zuhayr mentioned ***
Saudi, not really, heheh hundreds are huge... maybe few to be true.
Tito dn ini ko mala a awida akal. Para rakn na sobra pn aya sa giyanan a di kapangodo i Pilandok sa Ranao.
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