Your Comments Are Critical.
Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.
MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

Hot Issues
Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."
Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.
Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.Watch.And.Chat
To post your video, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com or using your webcam, you can broadcast yourself live. Just post advance notice of your schedule so other Pilandoks can log and watch you odi na lagid ka i Tomaroy ago si Alandag a ditarotaro na daa pamakin'g on, daa pagilay ron.
Schedule of Live Broadcast: NONE
If you can't view ArataWataTV and you're on Linux platform, please install the missing plug-ins for your browser's video player.Thursday, August 28, 2008
Click here for more video.
So we have launched a social revolution in Ranao two months ago, or so I thought. Maybe, I have just explained the concept to the few people who listened to my radio interviews and the audience in my music videos... whatever.
I call the movement, Kini.Kini.Revolution because we are using Kini.Kini.Rock music to communicate our messages. The phrase "Kini.Kini" was used to brand our kind of music and make it unique for the Maranaos (and Iranuns and Maguindanaons) just as Pinoy Rock is for the Filipino Indios. In the future, we'll incorporate bayok, kolentang and other Maranao musical instruments to make authentic Pilandok ethno-rock music.
I also thought that it was cool to put the dots in between the words because it looks like the internet naming convention. And although Kini.Kini implies sexuality, my music is anything but sexual. It's rated "PG-13 and below" so it's safe for your young Pilandoks.
There's also Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone. Please check it out at ArataWata.Com. I used the ring tone on my cell phone so I wake up with my alarm music, singing, "Ino mangaday oto? Igira..."
Okay, enough of the "ka kini kini". Pka kwan taon badn.
The Big-Bang Concert
The original plan for the launching party was to invite all the Pilandoks sa Pat-A-Pangmpong-A-Ranao and have a big musical and comedy show in Banggolo or MSU golf course (because it has a beautiful view of the lake and we'll point to the lake when we sing "pagongowan tano... giyanan a ranao tano").
We would tell stories of the good old days of Ranao, sing 60s and 70s rock n roll tunes, and of course, the Kini.Kini.Rock music. Sadly, we did not have enough time to prepare because Baooai and I had only 5 days to spend in Ranao and the lone member of the movement's MSU core-group did not have the resources or energy to pull it through. It would have been The Big Bang Concert.
We had two radio interviews. One with DJ Martin at Radio Ng Bayan, FM Station in Banggolo and another one with Bobby Ilupa at DSXO AM Station. I have explained the purpose of the Kini.Kini.Rock music and a little bit of information about what we wanted to do with the social change movement.
I also made music videos in Peace Boulevard and Padian. I swear, I did not plan to do the lip-syncing but the Pilandoks (young and old) in Padian did not want to do it even if I offered them small amount of money. But they sang and danced with me on the videos. Me kowa ako roo a diyaman na! But if that's what it would take for Pilandok to change his ways, I would gladly do it again.
Here are Amomoai's Music Videos in Padian, taken on July, 2008.
...Ino Mangaday Oto?
Insha Allah, we'll have regular Kini.Kini.Comedy.Musical.Show to continuously remind Pilandok about his bad behavior. Taman sa ma smo-smo si Pilandok na magalin badn para di dn makapagidaida si Amomoai.
Phase One
The first phase of the Kini.Kini.Revolution has commenced. I will continue writing songs about Pilandok and Ranao and hopefully you will not get tired of listening to my music.I have many more music materials. Watch out for new Kini.Kini.Rock music and videos in
Phase Two
Phase two is the core of the revolution. We should start talking about our "taritib ago igma" (it can mean, culture and traditions) and try to adopt them to the current economic, political, social and environmental situations. Many of our taritibs are out-dated.
It is okay to change our taritib because taritib is not a religion. Taritib is NOT Islam.
Here are just some of the taritib ago igma that I think, needs urgent re-thinking. I'm sure, there are other stinky taritibs of Pilandok that needs re-engineering. Please post them in this link.
So Awidan
I have already explained the social cost of the high price of awidan in my video talk. If we don't change this taritib, we'll probably lose it and eventually lose our other taritib ago igma. So katatabanga is the glue that holds our taritibs together. What's the meaning of our centuries of struggle if we don't have culture that differentiates us from the Indios?
So Ka S'slai
This is the most abused taritib. Our relatives and friends who are in the government or occupying political positions are the biggest culprits. We can't say or do anything about their evil actions, ie. corruptions, because of this taritib. It should not be that way. If we want to progress, we have to call spade, a spade and let the bad among us rot in prison for stealing people's money or for being criminal.
So Ka Song Sa Ig
Literally, it means do your shit or pooping in the lake. Allah forbid a water-bourne, deadly incurable disease come up in Ranao. Our tribe will be wiped-out on the face of the earth.
The Ulama have big role in making this change a possibility. They can decree a fatwa to prohibit pooping in the lake. For the Imams in the masjids and the Tableeghs, make a nightly dowaa to curse all those who poop or dump their trash in the lake.
Cleanliness is one of the most important characteristics of Islam. Unfortunately, Pilandok did not understand this part of the religion.
So Kambangsa
We're a racist nation. We need education. We need to learn about other people cultures and sentiments so we can be good Muslims, so we can be good to our Indio housemaids and guests.
Mawaraw tano bo ko royod tano. Somasayan tano dn igira sisii tano sa Ranao. Miya ambog-ambog tano pn. Bapiya so aya bo akiya apasan iyan na Civil Service Examination na pag streamer'an. Let's stop all these un-Islamic behaviour.
Let's talk.
What we need to do at this stage is to stir up discussion of our taritib ago igma. The local media, like the radio and cable tv talk shows, is our big daddy. We also need the help of the Pilandoks in Banggolo and Padian, the Ulama, the Tableeghs, teachers, parents and students.
We don't need to have formal discussion forum or conferences in Ranao, at least for some time. Let's have family or friends discussions and let the issue boil, taman sa makalapalapay dn. Hopefully by next year, we can hold a conference to declare what we decide is better for our people. Hopefully.
Pilandok Needs You!
Anyone reading this post in Ranao, please print and distribute. If you don't have printer, just remember the subject and talk about it with your friends and your family at home. When you have time, come back to this blog and update us with your comments.
If you are a student, please print this post and give it to your Pilandok teachers or officers of your student government. If you are a parent, please talk about this issue with your children.
Here are some T-Shirt designs to promote our cause.
According to Batingolo, helping in activities like this, with the intent to better one's society is part of Islamic daawa.
Taman sa di omani isa rk'tano na di niyan ipaliogat sa ginawa niyan a kaompiyai sa Ranao na di tano dn maka pagalin.
Let us all join in this revolution. It's a privilege to be part of nation-building process. But let's not set our expectations too high on what we can achieve because one thing is for sure: social change is not going to be easy. It may not even happen in our lifetime.
Phase Three
Decide what kind of people we want to be. Do we want to be known for kindness, cleanliness, and other good attributes? Or be known as tulisans, kidnappers, kolimbot, dirty or drug dealers?
We should talk about our vision for the future generations.
Arata Wata will pay you.
Just like the other discussions in this blog, the Taritib ago Igma that I have described here is in no-way comprehensive and that's because Arata Wata is not a scholar and he is NRP (Non-Resident Pilandok). What I am doing mostly is laying out the foundation for the discussions. The real wisdom comes from the Pilandoks who visits and share their thoughts.
I am offering a financial assistance for the compilation of our Taritib ago Igma. Part of your research is to find out if there's already a written document of this subject. If there is, then your job is just to post the document in this blog. Otherwise, we'll discuss how long it will take you and how you are going to do the compilation, that will determine the amount of funding or monthly stipend. Remember, we're doing this job for Pilandok's future.
You must be:
1. At least a college student.
2. RP (Resident Pilandok), meaning, you reside in Ranao.
3. Internet-savvy or know someone who can help you on internet.
Obviously, IPs (Incidental Pilandok) are disqualified. Do you know who are the IPs? Watch my videos.
This is a good academic thesis for social science student. So why don't you do it, college girl? You'll be paid while your doing school requirement.
If you are interested, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com.
UPDATE: I did not get response for this offer so I am withdrawing it. I will just find someone to work on it. Shokran.
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