Your Comments Are Critical.

Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.


MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.

Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."

Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.

Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.


To post your video, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com or using your webcam, you can broadcast yourself live. Just post advance notice of your schedule so other Pilandoks can log and watch you odi na lagid ka i Tomaroy ago si Alandag a ditarotaro na daa pamakin'g on, daa pagilay ron.

Schedule of Live Broadcast: NONE

If you can't view ArataWataTV and you're on Linux platform, please install the missing plug-ins for your browser's video player.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Class of 2008
Sharyland, Texas

Usudan Family

L to R: Mansour Usudan R.N. , Johara Usudan - 2nd year Nursing Student, Abdullah Usudan - Graduate, Acmad Usudan and Adora Usudan R.N. , B.S.N., C.C.R.N (Parents)

Abdullah Usudan

# 9 out of 600 students.


Acmad and Adora Usudan of Mission, TX
(Acmad Usudan is originally from Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines and Adora Usudan is originally from Culasi, Antique, Philippines

Awards and Honors:

University Interscholastic League State Qualifier in Debate
Texas Forensic Association State Qualifier for Extemporaneous Speech
University Interscholastic League State Qualifier
University Interscholastic League State Qualifier in Cross Examination Debate
University Interscholastic League Regional 1st place Champion in Speech
University Interscholastic League State 3rd place Champion in Debate

Academic and Extra-Curricular Activities:
National Honor Society Member
FCCLA Mentor
Chess Club Member
Theater Produciton
Student Council

Future Plans:

Abdullah is planing to pursue a business - oriented major at the prestigious McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas in Austin. He is also planning to obtain a minor in Social Political Discipline (government, economics, philosophy, or history).

Abdullah delivering a speech as well as reciting his Alma Mater at his graduation.

Super Achiever's Banquet May 12, 2008 in honor of the Top Ten Graduates

Abdullah's profile and background at the Super Achiever's Banquet.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ino Mangaday Oto?

This is the 5th installment of the Kini.Kini.Rock Music. This one is asking why Pilandok is pilandok when he is in Ranao but acts differently when he is somewhere else. Sad situation, indeed.

To listen, click on the link in the Kini.Kini.Rock box above. Di akn tanto ki kisk so kapagidaida on ka katkawan a giya siringan akn. Aydaw! Naino ka irekord tano bo saroman.

Chords is very simple: D-G-A.

Ino mangaday oto?
Words & Music by Amomoai

Hay... Hay...

Ino mangaday oto?

Igira miyaka liyo ka
na di ka di kalalagan
paratiya ka sa taritib
malo ka pn di...


Ino mangaday oto?

Andai kapaka balingka
na dadn a paratiyaanka
dadn a atoratoranka
miyasosyososyo ka pn
mimbaloy ka a...
Arata Wata


Ino mangaday oto?
Ino mangaday oto?
Ino mangaday oto?

(ad lib)

Ino mangaday oto?

Igira do doo ka sa ragat
na dadn a bokboklka
bapiya antonawaa san
na posayn ka,
kasoro sorod ka
a dalma ingd
sa dingka di


Ino mangaday oto?

Igira sisii ka sa ranao
na dadn a pngalbknka
langon dn na ikaya aka
tito ka dn a
Arata Wata.



Igira kiyarimpasangka
na aya bo a ipngoraok
o manga tunganayngka
na oba bo aki royod tano
ka mailay iran man
ka pulam-pulangn ami siran.


Miya bsi-bsi on a akal akn!