Here's the latest addition to the Kini.Kini.Rock music. This one is more of R&B style. I was a little off-beat on the "hay, hay, hay, Pilandok..."
I decided to make R&B so I can reach out to the younger generation. In the last part of the song, I was gonna say all the ills of our society but there's too many. The song is already 8:17 minutes, longer than most Dire Strait or Bob Dylan songs.
I am inviting Pilandoks to make the music video for this song. Play the song on the background and do a lip-sync. Send me the mp4 video and I will attach it to this post. You can use your cell phone camera. For Pilandok videographers, please put the lyrics of the song. Please don't use Korean video with Maranao sub-title. I hate that.
So Lalag Ko Ron
Words and Music by Amomoai
Sa kataya so lalag ko ron
sa kapaka piya ngka
Sa pamamakin'g angka ini
pilandok a pagari ko
Sa paganay ron
na galbk ka.
Dingka sasanai
so tunganaynkga.
Dinka sasarigi
so manga datu.
Ka igira
so kiyanka
na dangka
na dingka di mataro
so kabnarka
dingka di ming golalan
so patot a sowaan.
So inisogo
o agama.
Targ ingka
so kapangolimbot
Ka dibo pagtay gari
so kakowangka.
Na mbayadan ka bo anan
sa magaan.
Na igira
so sukatka
na dangka
Na dingka di mapagosay
so katito niyan
pamamaking ka
o madakl a tao.
Makaayon anan
ko agama.
Poon ka dn
Dingkasan di panapitn
sa ator anan
so basurangka.
Ka igira
limpiyo ka
na mapipiya
mapipiyapn aki so
kapamimikiran ka
kabababayaangka pn
o pagilay rka.
Sapotol anan
ko paratiyaya.
(ad lib)
Pilandok... hay, Pilandok...
Siyapn tano langon
so manga warisan tano.
Paratiyaan tano
so manga loks tano.
Kakalalagan tano.
hay, hay, hay, Pilandok...
Ipmaratabat tano
so mapiya a galbk.
Bayadan tano langon
so manga otang tano.
Gomnk tano mamrak.
hay, hay, hay, Pilandok...
Saka sakaon tano
so manga bisita tano.
Giginawai tano.
Magayonayon tano.
Gnkan so kaprido.
hay, hay, hay, Pilandok...
Ppamimili tano
so manga boto tano.
Pamimikrn tano
so kaorian tano.
Your Comments Are Critical.
Lagid aya o kam'bangka sa Banggolo. Poonan ak'n so totol na langon tano p'taroon so pamikiran tano, bapiya manga ribat. O dingka isurat so lalag ka, na lagid ka o miyamanipanik a p'ngao.
MAGUINDANAO SPEAKER is needed immediately. This is a contract job for a project with Federal government so you have to be U.S. legal resident. Please contact Arata Wata as soon as possible (with in 7 days from this posting, 3/11/08). You can work from home.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.
Commercial advertisement by Pilandok entrepreneurs is free in this space. Just send your ad messages to Arata Wata.

Hot Issues
Because listening to music is considered haram by some Islamic scholars, I call my album, "Kini.Kini.Rock: Miyatimo Rka."
Download the song and play the mp3 file if you don't have faster internet connection. You can request Kini.Kini.Rock music on radio stations in Ranao.
Kini.Kini.Ring.Tone is available for download.Watch.And.Chat
To post your video, send email to Arata.Wata@ArataWata.Com or using your webcam, you can broadcast yourself live. Just post advance notice of your schedule so other Pilandoks can log and watch you odi na lagid ka i Tomaroy ago si Alandag a ditarotaro na daa pamakin'g on, daa pagilay ron.
Schedule of Live Broadcast: NONE
If you can't view ArataWataTV and you're on Linux platform, please install the missing plug-ins for your browser's video player.Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Is Music Haram?
I didn't want to publish this video but I thought the topic was interesting. It's not about the Kini.Kini Rock music because I don't care if I am the only one listening to my songs all day long. I was thinking more about our "kalilang", like, kambayok, kandarangn, kakolintang, kasagayan, etc. Are they all haram? And should we just forget about them because some of our religious leaders and learned ones decreed that they're haram?
I believe, bayok can be haram if taken seriously because it praises or makes mockery of people. But if it's only for fun among friends, how does is fare in the halal-haram scenario? I also believe that whatever you do, if it takes your mind out of the remembrance of Allah (swt) then it's haram. For example, if the adhan was called and you still keep on playing your kolintang or listening to music then that could be haram, and definitely haram if you eventually missed your prayer. But this is true for anything you do, not just playing musical instruments, listening or singing songs.
When I was living in Abu Dhabi, UAE, I remember watching young Arab girls (nationals) dancing on TV without their hijabs. They all had very long hair. Beautiful girls with beautiful hair (not like my hair). If I am not mistaken, that was some kind of UAE national dance or some cultural stuff.
Should we throw away our TVs and radios? These machines are actually musical "instruments" too, just like the kolintangs.
Further to question, should we live like the Talibans? Like prescribe burqas to our women, prevent them from getting education or work? Should we all start wearing the white Pakistani salwar and kameez, like the Tableeghs? Should all men grow beard and moustache?
Please share your thoughts.
Kna oba ana marata sa giya a pamikiran akn sa giya kini isaan akn sa giya a manga pakaisa. Ago sakn na kna oba ako uztad odi na morit sa madrasa.
Assallam Wallaikhom.
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